Articles & Stories

SERVIR Profile of Lilian Ndungu

Lilian NdunguName: Lilian Ndungu
Affiliation: SERVIR-E&SA
Role/Title: Agriculture and Food Security Thematic Lead

Please introduce yourself. What are you passionate about?
My interests are in translating satellite information and using technology to develop products and tools that can be used in decision making or inform development of solutions for real world problems.

What initially attracted you to this field of work?
The excitement, the travel, the challenges, the dynamism of the field, the combination of deskwork and working on the ground, the potential to create innovative solutions to solve real world problems, the possibility of creating change, the ability to impact lives, and the challenge of translating data into usable information for decision making.

What SERVIR activity are you currently working on?
I am currently the thematic lead for Agriculture and Food Security in the SERVIR - Eastern and Southern Africa Hub. Together with our team/partners, we are working on mapping croplands, monitoring frost occurrences, developing crop monitors to inform us on drivers and productivity trends on our croplands, and monitoring vegetation conditions in our rangelands.

How does your work generate positive change?
By translating satellite data and other information into tools and products for decision making, especially in agriculture and food security.