Closing the STEM gender gap

Training women in Earth observation and geospatial information technology
Closing the STEM Gender Gap cover page

In 2018 SERVIR HKH piloted the “Empowering women in GIT” (WoGIT) training to bridge the technology and gender gap and to promote a gender-balanced workforce in the region. Catering exclusively to young women professionals, this training was the first of its kind and introduced EO/GIT concepts and enhanced the ability of young aspiring women to apply such technologies in their respective fields. The event was instrumental in sparking participants’ interest in EO and GIT and building their capacity.

In subsequent years, SERVIR HKH provided the training to more women in the HKH region, customizing training materials to address the context of each country. Between 2018 and 2021, they trained 410 women from diverse academic and professional backgrounds. Some of the key outcomes of these trainings are summarized in this report.